IAW 2024 Program with ZOOM Links

Sunday August 11, 2024

2:00-3:30pm—IAW Opening – “Living From Our Essential Goodness” -  Poway Interfaith Team (POINT)

To view Program, go to:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84354578039  Passcode: POINT

4-:00-5:30 “Interfaith Escondido” - “Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats” - Escondido Together, Verna Sunquest

To view Program, go to:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8829664299?pwd=a3pKbisrajZvYlJPRi9CY0dFYlhhQT09&omn=84112814341

6-:00-7:30 “From Protest to Policy: Youth Voices in Peacebuilding" - Bangladesh Interfaith” - Global Law Thinkers, Roaman Smita

To view Program, go to:

Monday August 12, 2024

8:00– 9:30am – “Spiritual Diversity in Education” - Deborah Robin Mech

To view Program, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6938177086?omn=89815002322 

10:00– 11:30 - The Science of Compassion, and Compassion-Centered Art Exhibitions”  - Jon Kolkin, M.D., President, The Shades of Compassion Foundation -

To view Program, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87605021172?pwd=NwJ2lgXZSbeDQZFO2GFwyOMHYSWIsF.1 

12:00-1:30 “Interfaith” Alison Van Dyke, Temple of Understanding, New York

To view Program, go to: https://templeofunderstanding.org/interfaith-awareness-week-2024/

2:00-3:30  “Community Resilience” – United Religions Initiative – Samira Barucija,

To view Program, go to: https://uri-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ocuGtpj4rE9HvqkPq_Od4B5GNGZPs57qy

4:00-5:30"Connecting the Rising Generation Through Service" - Elder Michael Christensen, Elizabeth Christensen

To view Program, go to:

6:00-7:30 Can Western Women Heal The World?” – The Global Women’s Village – Sande Hart

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89236132607

Tuesday August 13, 2024

8:00– 9:30am “Spiritual Playdate Respect Challenge 2024 - “Making Respect Cool Again” Edwina Cowell

To view Program, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYld-yhrDMqGNEEpFsMGF43x3U1zBJgH-AI

10:00– 11:30 ______________________

To view Program, go to:

12:00-1:30 “Arizona Faith Network” - Vasu Bandhu

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82359253615

2:00-3:30 ________________________

4:00-5:30 "Sin, Suffering, and Redemption" - Catholic-Buddhist Dialogue – Interfaith Circle, Toronto Canada, Vivian Kwok

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84579349920?pwd=w4zEoJXhLDyb18MVTJb4SZT9ekfcjl.1

6:00-7:30 “ICI World Pilgrims—Pilgrimage to Vietnam” – Angela Rice

To view Program, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85042187227?pwd=HGBO5WxoxaUzSzQsNjZZAxJvpNH5w4.1

Wednesday August 14, 2024

8:00– 9:30am "Bridging Faiths for a Greener Future: Interfaith Peacebuilding through Environmental Conservation"-  Greshma Raju

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82339672517?pwd=8FggCvhwuTOlqaroGB0yeFb5CGa4NP.1

10:00– 11:30 _____________________

12:00-1:30 ________________________

2:00-3:30 _________________________

4:00-5:30  “We Rise” - Sandra Campbell, Kansas City


6:00-7:30 “Baha’i Devotional” – Baha’is of Poway California https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85499250497?pwd=3Jw2qWiPZpMNRcIT3kdZtAI8t4vpGt.1

Thursday August 15,2024

8:00– 9:30am “Connecting Interfaith Thru Media & Events”  – Jacqueline Fuller

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83270060900?pwd=FrRFGqPffADMhVm8uIOzwoWKwZF1QL.1

10:00– 11:30 “How Food Can Increase Social Interaction” -  Kate Sookhoo, Char Nolan, —Interfaith Philadelphia

To view Program, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83537718137?pwd=lmOZiOB6tBLDps7IY9oOoUODgaMP63.1

12:00-1:30  “ Faith Inspired Social Justice by Interfaith Worker Justice of San Diego County” - Rev. Cheri Metier
To view Program, go to:
2:00-3:30  - “
What Color are Your Thoughts?’ A Divine Perspective” -  Dr. Rev. Ahmondra McClendon, NY
To view Program, go to:  
4:00-5:30 “Reclaiming Joy through Nature's Diversity: Indigenous and Interfaith Wisdom– Rev. Rebecca  Suzik, Indigenous Elders
To view Program, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88346969356
6:00--7:30 ______________________
To view Program, go to:

Friday August 16, 2024

8:00– 9:30am _______________________

To view Program, go to:

10:00– 11:30 “United Religions Initiative” - Issac S Thomas

To view Program, go to:

12:00-1:30 - “Soul’s Evolution for Tomorrow” – Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert, Poway, CA

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84354578039  Passcode: POINT

2:00-3:30 __________________________

To view Program, go to:

4:00-5:30  __________________________

To view Program, go to:

6:00--7:30 _________________________

To view Program, go to:

Saturday August 17,2024   

8:00– 9:30am _____________________

To view Program, go to:

10:00– 11:30 “Nigeria Interfaith” - Usman Inuwa

To view Program, go to:

12:00-1:30 _________________________

To view Program, go to:

2:00-3:30 “We Are The Hands and Feet of God” -  Yolanda Nava, Los Angeles, CA

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84354578039  Passcode: POINT

4:00-5:30  “Interfaith Music: Sounds that Appeals & Heals” - Ruth Broyde Sharone, CA

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84354578039  Passcode: POINT

6:00-7:30—“Teaching Interfaith Today” – IAW Closing Celebration & Party –

Revs. Drs. Abigail & Stephen Albert, World Interfaith Network

To view Program, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84354578039  Passcode: POINT

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field, I will meet you there.”  Rumi DATE: Sunday, June 23, 2024 TIME: 4:00pm-6:30pm LOCATION: Community Church of Poway 13501 Community Rd. Poway, CA 92064 The Poway Interfaith Team invites you to join us as we bring together leaders of different Faith Traditions to […]